Chapter 7: Usage info

When stealth is started without arguments, it provides some help about how to start it. A message like the following is produced:

stealth V4.01.10
SSH-based Trust Enhancement Acquired through a Locally Trusted Host
Copyright (c) GPL 2005-2018

Usage 1 (activation modes):
   stealth [options] policy
   [options] - optional arguments (short options between parentheses,
               option descriptions starting with (C) can only be used
               on the command-line and are ignored when specified in the
               policy file).
      --daemon (-d) <uds>: (C) run as a background (daemon) process.
               <uds> is the location of the Unix Domain Socket that is
               used for communication with the stealth daemon process
      --dry-run: (C) no integrity scans or reloads are performed, but
               are assumed OK. Remaining tasks are normally performed
      --log (-L) <file-spec>: log messages are appended to `<file-spec>'.
               If <file-spec> does not exist, it is first created 
      --logmail: mail is logged (requires --log or --syslog)
      --max-size value[BKMG]: files retrieved by GET may at most
               have `value' bytes (B), Kbytes (K), Mbytes (M), Gbytes (G).
               By default: 10M; The default unit is `B'
      --no-mail: mail is not sent. By default mail is sent as configured
               in the policy-file (--logmail can be specified independently
               from --no-mail)
      --parse-policy-file (-p): (C) parse the policy file, no further actions.
               Specify once to see the numbered commands,
               twice to see the policy file parsing steps as well.
               Results to std output.
      --random-interval (-i) value: start integrity scans within
               a random interval of `value' seconds (minutes if an `m'
               is appended to the specified value).
               Requires --repeat.
      --repeat value: start an integrity scan every `value' seconds
               (minutes if an `m' is appended to the specified value).
      --run-command (-r) value: (C) only execute command #`value'
               (not available in combination with --daemon)
      --skip-files (-s) <file-spec>: skip the integrity checks of the
               files having their absolute path names listed in `<file-spec>'
      --stdout (-o): messages are (also) written to stdout
               (not available in combination with --daemon)
      --syslog: write syslog messages
      --syslog-facility fac:  syslog facility to use. By default DAEMON
      --syslog-priority pri:  syslog priority to use. By default NOTICE
      --syslog-tag tag: identifier prefixed to syslog messages. By
               default `STEALTH')
      --time-stamp <type>: the time-stamps to use. By default UTC.
               (does not apply to syslog-timestamps)
      --verbosity (-V) value: determines the amount of logged information.
               Requires --log or --syslog:
                   0: nothing is logged
                   1: mode reports and policy commands
                   2: also: ipc commands and actions
                   3: also: integrity scan informative messages
   policy: location of the policy file

Usage 2 (IPC modes, all options are command-line only):
   stealth {--reload,--rerun,--resume,--suspend,--terminate} <uds>
      --reload: reload a stealth process's policy and skip-file
      --rerun: start an integrity scan
      --resume: resume stealth after --suspend
      --suspend: suspend stealth's activities
                   to continue: --resume; to end: --terminate
      --terminate: terminate the stealth daemon
   <uds>: location of the Unix Domain Socket to connect to.

Usage 3 (support mode, all options are command-line only)
   stealth {--help,--version}
      --help (-h):    provide this help and terminate
      --version (-v): show version information and terminate

Note that with the second type of usage the policy file is not required: here only the pidfile must be specified.