Chapter 6: Kick-starting `stealth'

Here are the steps to take to kick-start stealth Following the installation the stealth directory tree has become superfluous and can safely be removed.

Next, do:

ssh and bash (or another shell program) should be available. root@localhost should be able to login at localhost using ssh root@localhost, using the /bin/bash. Check (as `root') at least

    ssh root@localhost
as this might ask you for a confirmation that you've got the correct host. Now, run
    stealth /root/stealth/localhost.pol
to initialize the stealth-report files for localhost. This initializes the report for

The mail-report is sent to root@localhost.

Now change or add or remove one of these files, and rerun stealth. The file /tmp/stealth-4.01.10.mail should reflect these changes.