bisonc++ (6.02.00) * Starting with version 6.02.00 bisonc++ reserved identifiers no longer end in two underscore characters, but in one. This modification was necessary because according to the C++ standard identifiers having two or more consecutive underscore characters are reserved by the language. In practice this could require some minor modifications of existing source files using bisonc++'s facilities, most likely limited to changing Tokens__ into Tokens_ and changing Meta__ into Meta_. The complete list of affected names is: Enums: DebugMode_, ErrorRecovery_, Return_, Tag_, Tokens_; Enum values: PARSE_ABORT_, PARSE_ACCEPT_, UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_, sizeofTag_; Type / namespace designators: Meta_, PI_, STYPE_; Member functions: clearin_, errorRecovery_, errorVerbose_, executeAction_, lex_, lookup_, nextCycle_, nextToken_, popToken_, pop_, print_, pushToken_, push_, recovery_, redoToken_, reduce_, savedToken_, shift_, stackSize_, startRecovery_, state_, token_, top_, vs_, Protected data members: d_acceptedTokens_, d_actionCases_, d_debug_, d_nErrors_, d_requiredTokens_, d_val_, idOfTag_, s_nErrors_ -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 15 May 2018 20:58:45 +0200 bisonc++ (6.01.03) * To avoid lintian reports about missing examples the 'examples/' directories were renamed to 'demos/' -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 08 Mar 2018 21:00:12 +0100 bisonc++ (6.01.02) * Added C++-17 attributes [[maybe_notused]] to bisonc++'s code, and removed unused parameters unless required. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 08 Mar 2018 20:16:50 +0100 bisonc++ (6.01.01) * Fixed a missing destination for the link to the sources of the rpn calculator mentioned in Ch. 6 of the user manual. -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 23 Jan 2018 12:59:39 +0100 bisonc++ (6.01.00) * Removed std:: in front of thread_local in generated code * Removed definitions of the Yodl tr-macro from .yo files: it is a predefined macro in Yodl 4.02.00, and is not used in de documentation. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 20 Jan 2018 11:40:25 +0100 bisonc++ (6.00.00) * The generated code was rewritten. The protected interface of ParserBase and names of parse()-related members in Parser was modified. The names of all accessible members in parserbase.h and parser.h now have two trailing underscore characters. Predefined members in parser.ih no longer have trailing underscores, and can be redefined. The traditional error(char const *) member in fact never uses its argument (and bisonc++ only passed the default "Syntax error" argument). Its prototype now no longer defines a parameter. Here's an overview of modified member names/signatures: -------------------------------------------------------- Before 6.00.00 Starting with 6.00.00 -------------------------------------------------------- void error(char const *); void error(); void exceptionHandler__(... void exceptionHandler(... void errorRecovery(); void errorRecovery__(); void executeAction(int); void executeAction__(int); void nextToken(); void nextToken__(); -------------------------------------------------------- added: --------------------------- void nextCycle__(); --------------------------- removed: --------------------------- int lookup(bool); --------------------------- When re-generating parsers generated by bisonc++ before version 6.00.00, the signatures of the above functions in the file parser.h must be hand-modified to reflect the above changes. In addition, the implementations of error and exceptionHandler (default implementations were provided in parser.ih) must be adapted to their new signatures. * Added a warning to skeleton/binsonc++.h that until the #undef instruction Parser will be read as ParserBase. * With Polymorphic semantic values a tag mismatch is no considered fatal anymore if errors were already encountered. In that case the semantic value showing a tag mismatch is replaced by the default value of the semantic value of the expected polymorphic type. * Compilation of bisonc++ now starts with the construction of precompiled headers, significantly reducing the compilation time. * The state stack elements now consist of two values: the first element holds the state index, the second element the semantic value. * Added option and directive 'prompt': the generated parser shows a ?-prompt at each cycle when processing its input (which should not be provided on the standard input stream). * `thread-safe' can now also be specified as a directive. Previously it could only be specified as option. * Documentation was updated to reflect the above modifications * The build script now properly recognizes the 'strip' option * By default precompiled headers are used. The option -P (cf. log entry 'bisonc++ (4.12.03)' below) is now opertational. Be advised that using -P removes all existing .ih.gch files from the directory containing 'main.ih' and from all its immediate subdirectories. * Removed the compiler option --std=c++14, since that's by now the default. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 18 May 2017 09:46:19 +0200 bisonc++ (5.03.00) * Added a declaration like 'Parser() = default' to the generated parser class header file. * Added an item about existing constructors and how to add additional constructors to parser classes generated by bisonc++ * Corrected 'see also' references in the man-pages. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 28 Jan 2017 15:12:16 +0100 bisonc++ (5.02.02) * Updated the description of the %prec directive. -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 24 May 2016 16:33:48 +0530 bisonc++ (5.02.01) * Repaired an error in 'build install LOG...'. * Verified that 'selection' in 'build install selection' was correctly specified. -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 18 May 2016 17:34:28 +0530 bisonc++ (5.02.00) * The polymorphic semantic values implementation uses a unique_ptr when transferring semantic values inside the geerated parser (including bisonc++'s own parser). See the documentation for details. * Added new option/directive stack-expansion defining the number of elements to add to a completely full semantic value stack. * Enlarging the semantic value stack does not require copying existing semantic values to the enlarged semantic value stack. Either resizing is used (when the capacity allows it) or the stored semantic values are moved to the enlarged stack, which is then swapped with the parser's semantic values stack. * More in general: the generated parser itself does not internally copy semantic values anymore. Copying is only used in the grammar's action blocks . -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 13 May 2016 13:46:18 +0530 bisonc++ (5.01.00) * Reimplemented polymorphic semantic values: the Meta__::Base class now is a virtual bease class. * Some templated operator& functions cannot handle two DebugMode__ arguments. To prevent compilation errors in those cases a DebugMode__ operator&(DebugMode__, DebugMode__) function was added to the parserbase-skeleton. * The documentation erroneously referred to an undefined --action-cases option. Instead, --debug should be used and setDebug(Parser::ACTIONCASES) should be called. Code and documentation modified accordingly. * Added the script documentation/regression/runone to run a single regression test. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 05 May 2016 20:35:39 +0530 bisonc++ (5.00.01) * Fixed verbinsert calls: yodl 3.07.01 implements a macro 'verbinsert' rendering bisonc++'s own definition superfluous. The new definition requires 1 argument, and the old one 2, so the verbinsert calls were updated accordingly. * Alexander Sedov noticed that line numbers in the default actions were incorrect. Line numbers of default actions are now set to the line of the '|' or ';' character following the production rule receiving a default action block. * Updated the 'required' file. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 25 Apr 2016 15:47:27 +0530 bisonc++ (5.00.00) * Options/directives: The default `default-actions std' option/directive unconditionally adds $$ = $1 action blocks to non-empty production rules w/o final action blocks Added option/directive tag-mismatches. and option --polymorphic-code-skeleton (-L). The formerly available option --no-default-action-return was renamed to default-actions (-d replacing -N), and can now also be used as a directive: %default-actions. Option --polymorphic-inline-skeleton (-m) is not used anymore and was removed. The option --include-only has been dropped (although it was mentioned in the usage info, it had in fact not been available for quite some time). * Implementation: Reimplemented handling polymorphic semantic values. shared pointers are no longer used. Details: see README.polymorphic-technical and parser/ Type specifications in %type directives are verified. With %union the check is a simple check whether '\btype\b' is found in the %union spec. Mismatches between the types of nonterminals and the types of the first elements of their production rules previously resulted in a `type clash of default action' warning. Such mismatches are now considered errors. After parsing a grammar file only plain warning messages (i.e., without file/line info) are issued. Switching to such plain message is now done in Parser::cleanup, and no longer in various members of objects being used after calling Parser::cleanup(). Comment (to end-of-line and C-style) can now also be used in polymorphic type specifications. Renamed the top-level and bisonc++.ih files to and main.ih, respectively. Using new lexical scanner, built by Flexc++ V2.04.00. * Grammar files: New dollar-notations ($$(...), _$$, _$i) are available, $$, $i are not available anymore. * API: New member: setDebug(DebugMode__), shows the action case just before executing the action block. The SType::data() member is now obsolete and has been removed. The semantic value type STYPE__ (the class Meta__::SType) member `valid() const' returns true if its member tag() returns a valid Tag__, otherwise it returns false. False is returned for default constructed STYPE__ values. Previous implementations of STYPE__ implemented an undocumented member pointer (->) operator for calling get() and data(). This operator is no longer available. Instead of -> the member selector operator (.) should be used. E.g., stype.get(). The member SType::emplace (See the 4.13.00 log entry) was renamed to SType::assign: it doesn't emplace, but assign. The construction $$(-optional arguments-); can be used in action blocks to do $$.emplace(-optional arguments-); * Documentation: Bisonc++'s man-page and manual was updated. Added new man-pages bisonc++input.7, describing the organization of bisonc++'s grammar file(s), and bisonc++api.3, describing the API of the software generated by bisonc++ * Regression tests: The extensive calculator regression test declared a RuleValue(unsigned) constructor, but implemented a RuleValue(size_t) constructor, which does not compile on amd64 architectures. The regression test was modified by changing the constructor's size_t parameter type into unsigned. All regression test grammar files contain the directive %default-actions quiet preventing warning messages about adding default $$ = $1 action blocks to production rules without action blocks. -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 13 Apr 2016 11:03:54 +0530 bisonc++ (4.13.01) * slightly modified the icmake build scripts to prevent multiple inclusions of some of the installed files. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 18 Dec 2015 13:41:08 +0100 bisonc++ (4.13.00) * 'build install' supports an optional LOG: argument: the (relative or absolute) path to a installation log file. The environment variable BISONCPP is no longer used. * Updated the usage info displayed by `./build', altered the procedure to install the files at their final destinations. * Following a suggestion made by gendx the polymorphic class Semantic now defines a variadic template constructor, allowing Semantic objects (and thus SType::emplace) to be initialized (c.q. called) using any set of argument types that are supported by Semantic's DataType. Also, the (internally used) classes HasDefault and NoDefault are now superfluous and were removed (from skeletons/bisonc++polymorphic and skeletons/bisonc++polymorphic.inline). * Adapted the icmake build files to icmake 8.00.04 -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 13 Dec 2015 16:29:41 +0100 bisonc++ (4.12.03) * Kevin Brodsky observed that the installation scripts used 'chdir' rather than 'cd'. Fixed in this release. * Kevin Brodsky also observed that the combined size of all precompiled headers might exceed some disks capacities. The option -P was added to the ./build script to prevent the use of precompiled headers. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 05 Oct 2015 20:17:56 +0200 bisonc++ (4.12.02) * Refined the 'build uninstall' procedure -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 04 Oct 2015 16:27:18 +0200 bisonc++ (4.12.01) * The implementation of the ./build script was improved. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 01 Oct 2015 18:41:45 +0200 bisonc++ (4.12.00) * Added 'build uninstall'. This command only works if, when calling one of the 'build install' alternatives and when calling 'build uninstall' the environment variable BISONCPP contains the (preferably absolute) filename of a file on which installed files and directories are logged. Note that 'build (dist)clean' does not remove the file pointed at by the BISONCPP environment variable, unless that file happpens to be in a directory removed by 'build (dist)clean'. See also the file INSTALL. Defining the BISONCPP environment variable as ~/.bisoncpp usually works well. * Guillaume Endignoux offered several valuable suggestions: - Classes may not have default constructors, but may still be used if the default $$ = $1 action is not used. This can now be controlled using option --no-default-action-return (-N). When this option is specified the default $$ = $1 assignment of semantic values when returning from an action block isn't provided. When this option is specified then Bisonc++ generates a warning for typed rules (non-terminals) whose action blocks do not provide an explicit $$ return value. - To assign a value to $$ a member `emplace' is provided, expecting the arguments of the type represented by $$. - In cases where a $x.get() cannot return a reference to a value matching tt(Tag::NAME) and the associated type does not provide a default constructor this function throws an exception reporting STYPE::get: no default constructor available * Bisonc++'s documentation about using polymorphic values was modified, in particular the information about how the various polymorphic values can be assigned and retrieved. -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 29 Sep 2015 11:48:18 +0200 bisonc++ (4.11.00) * Cleanup of the manual, in particular how lexical scanners can access the various values of polymorphic semantic value types (cf. section `Polymorphism and multiple semantic values'). The man-page was modified accordingly. * The manual-stamp file is no longer used. Calling 'build manual' now always (re)builds the manual. The same holds true for 'build man'. * The in version 4.08.00 removed const members were reinstalled, as they are required in situations where, e.g., a function defines an STYPE__ const * parameter. * Added 'build uninstall'. This command only works if, when calling one of the 'build install' alternatives and when calling 'build uninstall' the environment variable BISONCPP contains the (preferably absolute) filename of a file on which installed files and directories are logged. Note that 'build (dist)clean' does not remove the file pointed at by the BISONCPP environment variable, unless that file happpens to be in a directory removed by 'build (dist)clean'. See also the file INSTALL. Defining the BISONCPP environment variable as ~/.bisoncpp usually works well. * The INSTALL file was updated to the current state of affairs. * Removed the file parser/reader, which contained code generated by bison. It was nowhere used and I simply couldn't see why it was added to the parser's directory at all. * Removed the file 'distribution' from this directory's parent directory. It is not used, and was superseded by the file sourcetar (both files are Internal Use Only). * Removed the file documentation/ it harbored an compression error (already at the very first bisonc++ release), and the bison documentation in html format remains part of the bisonc++ distribution. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 30 Aug 2015 11:13:57 +0200 bisonc++ (4.10.01) * Production rules of non-terminal symbols that immediately follow dot positions of existing items are added as new (implied) items to that state's set of items. The --construction option no longer shows the indices of such newly added items as this information can easily be obtained from the provided construction output. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 17 May 2015 16:54:13 +0200 bisonc++ (4.10.00) * FOLLOW sets are not used when analyzing LALR(1) grammars. The class FollowSet and all operations on follow sets were removed. * The LA set computation algorithm was reimplemented, a description of the new algorithm is included in the manual and in several source files, in particular state/ Both the state items' LA computation and the LA propagation algorithms were completely reimplemented. * Rules causing conflicts (i.e., conflict remaining after processing %left, %right, %nonassoc and/or %expect) as wel as the involved LA characters re briefly mentioned immediately following the SR/RR conflict-counts. * The class Symtab now uses an unordered_map rather than a mere (ordered) map. * The class-dependency diagram (README.class-setup) was updated to reflect the latest changes. Same for the file CLASSES which is used by the build script. * Added the file `required' listing the non-standard software that is required to build bisonc++ and its user guide / man-page -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 17 May 2015 13:13:55 +0200 bisonc++ (4.09.02) * Wilko Kuiper reported an annoying bug in the skeleton, causing the compilation of parser.hh to fail. This release fixes that bug. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:46:35 +0200 bisonc++ (4.09.01) * $#$#@ !! Forgot to update the help-info (bisonc++ --help) to reflect the new -D option. Now fixed. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 11 May 2014 09:05:48 +0200 bisonc++ (4.09.00) * Added option --no-decoration (-D), suppressing the actions that are normally associated with matched rules. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 10 May 2014 11:58:46 +0200 bisonc++ (4.08.01) * Members of the class `Generator' generating a substantial amount of code now read skeleton files instead of strings which are defined in these functions' bodies. * Added new skeleton files for the abovementioned functions. The names of these skeleton files are identical to the matching filenames in generator/, but use extensions `.in' -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:45:41 +0200 bisonc++ (4.08.00) * std::shared_ptr doesn't slice: virtual ~Base() and dynamic_casts removed from the generated parserbase.h files * %polymorphicimpl removed from skeleton/bisonc++, matching files from Generator * The implementation of polymorphic semantic values was simplified. Const members were removed from polymorphic semantic value classes; ReturnType get() const and ReturnType data() const are no longer required and were removed. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 02 Mar 2014 11:51:38 +0100 bisonc++ (4.07.02) * Changed 'class SType into struct SType in skeletons/polymorphic, since all its members are public anyway. * Class header and class implementation header files are no longer overwritten at bisonc++ runs. * Running './build program' no longer by default uses -g (see -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 17 Feb 2014 13:43:16 +0100 bisonc++ (4.07.01) * Fixed segfaults (encountered with 4.07.00) caused by for-statement range specification errors. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 16 Feb 2014 15:46:45 +0100 bisonc++ (4.07.00) * Generating files is prevented when errors in option/declaration specifications are encountered. All errors in option/declaration specifications (instead of just the first error that is encountered) are now reported. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 14 Feb 2014 14:53:33 +0100 bisonc++ (4.06.00) * Repaired buggy handling of some options/directives * Prevented spurious option warnings sometimes generated when options aren't specified * Action blocks associated with rules may contain raw string literals. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 09 Feb 2014 11:31:14 +0100 bisonc++ (4.05.00) * Added the directive %scanner-class-name specifying the class name of the scanner to use in combination with the %scanner directive * re-installed the --namespace option (see the next item) * Warnings are issued when options or directives are specified wchich are ignored because the target file (e.g., parser.h, parser.hh) already exists. These warnings are not issued for and parserbase.h, which are by default rewritten at each bisonc++ run. These warnings are issued for the `class-header', `class-name', `baseclass-header', `namespace', `scanner', `scanner-class-name' and `scanner-token-function' options/directives. * The --force-class-header and --force-implementation-header options were removed: 'rm ...' should be used instead. * man-page and manual updated * CLASSES class dependencies updated, icmconf's USE_ALL activated -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 10 Aug 2013 10:16:17 +0200 bisonc++ (4.04.01) * Removed the possibility to specify path names for the --baseclass-header, --class-header, --implementation-header, and --parsefun-source options (and corresponding directives). Path names for generated files should be specified using the target-directory option or directive. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 27 May 2013 12:12:58 +0200 bisonc++ (4.04.00) * Repaired %target-directory not recognizing path-characters and not removing surrounding "-delimiters. * The --baseclass-header, --class-header, --implementation-header, and --parsefun-source options (and corresponding directives) now also accept path-specifications. * The man-page and manual have been updated accordingly. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 26 May 2013 14:22:50 +0200 bisonc++ (4.03.00) * Bisonc++ before 4.03.00 failed to notice the --debug option. Now repaired. * Added the rpn example to the manual, and repaired typos in the manual. * Options/directives that can only accept file names (like --baseclass-header) no longer accept path names. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 31 Mar 2013 11:25:49 +0200 bisonc++ (4.02.01) * Parser-class header files (e.g., Parser.h) and parser-class internal header files (e.g., Parser.hh) generated with bisonc++ < 4.02.00 require two hand-modifications when used in combination with bisonc++ >= 4.02.00: In Parser.h, just below the declaration void print__(); add: void exceptionHandler__(std::exception const &exc); In Parser.hh, assuming the name of the generated class is `Parser', add the following member definition (if a namespace is used: within the namespace's scope): inline void Parser::exceptionHandler__(std::exception const &exc) { throw; // re-implement to handle exceptions thrown by actions } This function may be re-implemented, see the man-page for further details. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:50:26 +0100 bisonc++ (4.02.00) * Added member Parser::exceptionHandler(std::exception const &exc), handling std::exceptions thrown from the parser's action blocks. * The --namespace option was removed, since it does not affect once generated parser.h files, resulting in inconsistent namespace definitions. * Include guards of parser.h and parserbase.h include the namespace identifier, if %namespace has been used. * Provided print()'s implementation in bisonc++.hh with a correct class-prifix (was a fixed Parser::) * Textual corrections of the man-page and manual. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 07 Mar 2013 09:57:07 +0100 bisonc++ (4.01.02) * Bisonc++ returns 0 for options --help and --version * Catching Errno exceptions is replaced by catching std::exception exceptions -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 24 Jan 2013 08:14:59 +0100 bisonc++ (4.01.01) * The following #defines in can be overruled by defining identically named environment variables: CXX defines the name of the compiler to use. By default `g++' CXXFLAGS the options passed to the compiler. By default `-Wall --std=c++0x -O2 -g' LDFLAGS the options passed to the linker. By default no options are passed to the linker. SKEL the directory where the skeletons are stored -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 15 Jul 2012 14:44:46 +0200 bisonc++ (4.01.00) * Repaired a long-existing bug due to which some S/R conflicts are solved by a reduce, where a shift should have been used. See README.states-and-conflicts for details. * Removed line-numbers from final warning/error messages * This version requires Bobcat >= 3.00.00 -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 03 May 2012 21:21:47 +0200 bisonc++ (4.00.00) * Implemented the %polymorphic directive. Bisonc++ itself uses %polymorphic to implement its own polymorphic semantic values; man-page and manual extended with sections about polymorphic semantic values. * Implemented the %weak-tags directive. By default %polymorphic declares an `enum class Tag__', resulting in strongly typed polymorphic tags. If the traditional tag declaration is preferred, the %weak-tags directive can be specified in addition to %polymorphic, resulting in the declaration `enum Tag__'. * The previously used class spSemBase and derivatives (e.g., SemBase, Semantic) are now obsolete and the directories sembase and spsembase implementing these classes were removed. * The Parser's inline functions are all private and were moved to the parser's .hh file. This doesn't affect current implementations, as parser.h and parser.hh are only generated once, but newly generated parsers no longer define the Parser's inline members (error, print__, and lex) in parser.h but in parser.hh * @@ can be used (instead of d_loc__) to refer to a rule's location stack value. * The generated parser now uses unordered_maps instead of maps. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 13 Apr 2012 14:10:12 +0200 bisonc++ (3.01.00) * The `%print-tokens' directive was accidentally omitted from 3.00.00. Repaired in this release. * Starting this release all release tags (using names that are identical to the version number, so for this release the tag is 3.01.00) are signed to allow authentication. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:33:20 +0100 bisonc++ (3.00.00) * This release's scanner was built by flexc++ * Option handling was separated from parsing, following the method also used in flexc++: a class Options holds and maintains directives and options that are used in multiple points in bisonc++'s sources. The Parser passes directive specifications to set-functions defined by the class Options. * The parser's semantic value handling recevied a complete overhaul. Unions are no longer used; instead a light-weight polymorphic base class in combination with some template meta programming was used to handle the semantic values. See sembase/sembase.h for a description of the appproach. * Options and directives were rationalized/standardized. See the man-page for details. Grammar specification files should no longer use %print, but should either use %print-tokens or %own-tokens (or the equivalent command-line options). * NOTE: Existing Parser class interfaces (i.e. parser.h) must be (hand-) modified by declaring a private member void print__(); See the man-page and/or manual for details about print__. * All regression tests (in documentation/regression) are now expecting that flexc++ (>= 0.93.00) is available. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 20 Feb 2012 16:32:01 +0100 bisonc++ (2.09.04) * Replaced many for_each calls and lamda functions by range-based for-loops * Used g++-4.7 -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 04 Jan 2012 12:26:01 +0100 bisonc++ (2.09.03) * Replaced all FnWrap* calls by lambda function calls * `build' script now recognizes CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS for, resp. g++ and ld flags. Default values are set in, as before. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 23 Jun 2011 10:06:02 +0200 bisonc++ (2.09.02) * Repaired flaws that emerged with g++ 4.6 -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 02 May 2011 16:30:43 +0200 bisonc++ (2.9.1) * Documentation requires >= Yodl 3.00.0 -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:30:51 +0100 bisonc++ (2.9.0) * Changed Errno::what() call to Errno::why() * Removed dependencies on Msg, using Mstreams and Errno::open instead. Consequently, bisonc++ depends on at least Bobcat 2.9.0 -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 30 Oct 2010 22:05:30 +0200 bisonc++ (2.8.0) * Grammars having states consisting of items in which a reduction from a (series of) non-terminals is indicated have automatically a higher precedence than items in which a shift is required. Therefore, in these cases the shift/reduce conflict is solved by a reduce, rather than a shift. See README.states-and-conflicts, srconflict/ and the Bisonc++ manual, section 'Rule precedence' for examples and further information. These grammars are now showing S/R conflicts, which remained undetected in earlier versions of Bisonc++. The example was brought to my attention by Ramanand Mandayam (thanks, Ramanand!). * To the set of regression tests another test was added containing a grammar having two S/R conflicts resulting from automatically selecting reductions rather than shifts. This test was named 'mandayam'. * Output generated by --verbose and --construction now shows in more detail how S/R conflicts are handled. The Bisonc++ manual also received an additional section explaining when reduces are used with certain S/R conflicts. * Previously the documentation stated that --construction writes the construction process to stdout, whereas it is written to the same file as used by --verbose. This is now repaired. * The meaning/use of the data members of all classes are now described at the data members in all the classes' header files. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 08 Aug 2010 15:15:46 +0200 bisonc++ (2.7.0) * $-characters appearing in strings or character constants in action blocks no longer cause warnings about incorrect or negative $-indices * Repaired incorrect interpretation of '{' and '}' character constants in action blocks. * Added option --print (directive %print) displaying tokens received by the scanner used by the generated parser. * Added option --scanner-token-function (directive %scanner-token-function) specifying the name of the function called from the generated parser's lex() function. * The build script received an additional option: `build parser' can be used to force the reconstruction of parser/ and parser/parserbase.h -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:54:52 +0200 bisonc++ (2.6.0) * Reorganized Bisonc++'s classes: public inheritance changed to private where possible, all virtual members now private. The parser->parserbase inheritance remains as-is (public) because parserbase essentially is a element of parser, defining types and the token-enum that must also be available to the users of the generated parser class. The alternative, defining types and tokens in the parser class would make it impossible to adapt the tokens without rewriting the parser class. Another alternative, defining the types and enum in a separate namespace imposes further restrictions on the users of the parser class, which is also considered undesirable. Public inheritance is now only used by NonTerminal, Terminal, and Symbol as these classes override virtual functions either in Symbol or in Element and the derived classes must all be usable where their base classes are expected (in accordance with the LSP). bisonc++ (2.5.1) * Token values written to parserbase.h are (again) suppressed when their values exceed the previous token's value by 1. All values were shown because writer/insertToken erroneously didn't receive a size_t &lastTokenValue anymore, but a size_t lastTokenValue. * Removed Terminal's operator<< from the namespace std * Now using initializer_lists to initialize static data (generator/ -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:51:22 +0100 bisonc++ (2.5.0) * Renamed parser/spec/aux to parser/spec/auxiliary to avoid file/device confusion on some systems * Removed inclusions of superfluous bobcat/fnwrap1c headers * Replaced all FnWrap1c calls by FnWrap::unary * Added check for d_currentRule == 0 in rules/addproduction. d_currentRule could be a 0-pointer, in which case addproduction shouldn't do anything. d_currentRule is a 0-pointer in, e.g. the erroneous grammar submitted by Justin Madru about which he rightfully remarked that even though erroneous bisonc++ shouldn't crash on it. This is his stripped-down grammar: %token X x_list %% x_list: x_list X | X ; bisonc++ (2.4.8) * Recompilation using option --std=c++0x, required because of Bobcat's use of C++0x syntax. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 05 Sep 2009 17:25:56 +0200 bisonc++ (2.4.7) * Streams processed by an `#include' directive were not properly closed, resulting in a memory leak. The Scanner's code was modified to plug that leak. -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 06 May 2009 09:36:02 +0200 bisonc++ (2.4.6) * Changed the build script to allow finer control over construction and installation of parts of the package -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:16:10 +0100 bisonc++ (2.4.5) * DateTime (generator/ adapted due to change of Bobcat's DateTime interface bisonc++ (2.4.4) * typed terminal tokens (as used in, e.g., %type) were not included in the parserbase's Tokens__ enum since their symbol type is left at UNDETERMINED. tokens used in type lists can also be non-terminals, in which case their symbol type is changed accordingly. In 2.4.4. a symbol is selected for inclusion in the Tokens__ enum if it's a terminal token but also if it's a symbol that has been used in the grammar although its symbol type is left at UNDETERMINED (in generator/ bisonc++ (2.4.3) * repaired segfault generated when the name of a non-existing file was passed to bisonc++ bisonc++ (2.4.2) * scanner/ removed from the distribution: flex will create a new Scanner::yylex() member at each new distribution to prevent incompatibilities between earlier and later FlexLexer.h files. bisonc++ (2.4.1) * Implemented minor changes related to requirements imposed upon the code by g++ 4.3. * Generator/filter now uses the Datetime::rfc2822(), implmented since Bobcat 1.17.1 bisonc++ (2.4.0) * Fixed missing entry in multiple reduction state tables: State tables of multiple reduction states (e.g., REQ_RED states) were constructed incompletely. E.g., for the grammar: expr: name | ident '(' ')' | NR ; name: IDENT ; ident: IDENT ; the state following IDENT is either a reduce to 'name' or 'ident': the corresponding table was filled incompletely, using the number of the next token where the next token for the reduction should have been be mentioned, and an empty field in the table itself. NOTE that in these situations d_val__ MUST be set by the scanner, as the reduction requires another token, and only once that token is available the reduction to, e.g., 'ident' can be performed, but at that time YYText() has already gone and is inaccessible in an action block like: ident: IDENT { $$ = d_scanner.YYText(); } ; * The error recovery procedure in skeleton's skeleton file was reimplemented. As a side effect the internally used function 'ParserBase::checkEOF()' could be removed. * #line directives in rule action blocks now correctly identify the grammar specification file in which the action block was defined. * Extra empty line at the end of state transition tables were removed * Files generated by Bisonc++ report Bisonc++'s version and the file construction time (conform RFC 2822) as C++ comment in their first line. bisonc++ (2.3.1) * Fixed character returned in escaped constants. E.g., at '\'' the \ was returned instead of the ' character. * Implemented the default assignment of $1 to $$ at the begin of action rules. This required another Block member: saveDollar1(), called for nested blocks. The function saveDollar1() prepends the code to save $$ from $1 of the rule in which the nested block was defined. In share/bisonc++ the function executeAction() no longer saves the semantic value's TOS value as d_val__ but the rule's $1 value. * To allow extraction of the archive under Cygwin (Windows) the directory parser/spec/aux was renamed to parser/spec/auxiliary (as Windows can't handle files or directories named 'aux'). bisonc++ (2.3.0) * Dallas A. Clement uncovered a bug in handling semantic values, due to which semantic values of tokens returned by some grammars got lost. He intended to use a polymorphic semantic value class to pass different kinds of semantic values over from the scanner to the parser. This approach was the foundation of another regression test example, now added to the set of regression tests and described in Bisonc++'s manual. It will also appear as an annotated example in the C++ Annotations. Thanks, Dallas, for uncovering and reporting that bug. * Dallas also noted that mid-rule actions could not refer to semantic values of rule components that had already been seen by Bisonc++. This has been fixed in this release. Dallas, thanks again! * Earlier versions of Bisonc++ used the class OM (Output Mode) to define the way objects like (Non)Terminal tokens and (Non)Kernel Items were inserted into ostreams. Using OM did not result in the clarity of design I originally had in mind. OM is now removed, and instead relevant classes support a function `inserter()' allowing sources to specify (passing `inserter()' a pointer to a member function) what kind of insertion they need. For the Terminal class there is also a manipulator allowing sources to insert a insertion-member directly into the ostream. * New option: --insert-stype The generated parser will now also display semantic values when %debug is specified if the new command-line option --insert-stype is provided. Of course, in this case users should make sure that the semantic value is actually insertable (e.g., by providing an overloaded operator std::ostream &std::operator<<(std::ostream &out, STYPE__ const &semVal). bisonc++ (2.2.0) * Repaired a bug in parsing action blocks of rules appearing only in versions 2.1.0 and 2.0.0. In these versions compound statements defined within the action blocks result in bisonc++ erroneously reporting an error caused by bisonc++'s scanner (scanner/lexer) interpreting the closing curly brace as the end of the action block. * Repaired a flaw in terminal/ causing a segfault when using bisonc++ compiled with g++ 4.2.1 bisonc++ (2.1.0) * In the skeleton $insert 4 staticdata is followed by $insert namespace-open. Since `staticdata' defined s_out if %debug is requested, it could be defined outside of the user's namespace (defined by %namespace). Repaired by defining s_out after (if applicable) opening the namespace (in Generator::namespaceOpen(), called from $insert namespace-open). bisonc++ (2.0.0) * Rebuilt Bisonc++'s parser and scanner, creating Bisonc++'s parser from the file parser/grammar. Initially Bisonc++ 1.6.1 was used to create the Parser class header and parsing function. Once Bisonc++ 2.0.0 was available, the grammar file was split into various subfiles (see below) and Bisonc++ 2.0.0 was used to implement its own parsing function. As a direct consequence of using a grammar rather than a hand-implemented parsing function quite a few members of the Parser and Scanner class were reimplemented, new members were added and some could be removed. Parts of other classes (Rules, Block) were significantly modified as well. * Minor hand-modifications may be necessary with previously designed code using identifiers that are defined by the parser class generated by Bisonc++. The following names have changed: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- old name change into new name: Protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parser::LTYPE Parser::LTYPE__ Parser::STYPE Parser::STYPE__ Parser::Tokens Parser::Tokens__ Parser::DEFAULT_RECOVERY_MODE Parser::DEFAULT_RECOVERY_MODE__ Yes Parser::ErrorRecovery Parser::ErrorRecovery__ Yes Parser::Return Parser::Return__ Yes Parser::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN Parser::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN__ Yes Parser::d_debug Parser::d_debug__ Yes Parser::d_loc Parser::d_loc__ Yes Parser::d_lsp Parser::d_lsp__ Yes Parser::d_nErrors Parser::d_nErrors__ Yes Parser::d_nextToken Parser::d_nextToken__ Yes Parser::d_state Parser::d_state__ Yes Parser::d_token Parser::d_token__ Yes Parser::d_val Parser::d_val__ Yes Parser::d_vsp Parser::d_vsp__ Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The symbols marked `Protected' can only occur in classes that were derived from the parser class generated by Bisonc++. Unless you derived a class from the parser class generated by Bisonc++ these changes should not affect your code. The first three symbols may have been used in other classes as well (for an example now using LTYPE__ and STYPE__ see the file documentation/regression/location/scanner/scanner.h). Note that the only required modification in all these cases is to append two underscores to the previously defined identifiers. * The grammar file may now be split into several grammar specification files. The directive %include may be specified to include grammar files into other grammar files (much like the way C/C++'s #include preprocessor directive operates). Starting point of the grammar recognized by Bisonc++ 2.0.0 is the file parser/grammar, using subfiles in the parser/spec directory. The file README.parser documents the grammar specification files in some detail. * Previous releases implicitly enforced several restrictions on the identifiers used for the grammar's tokens. These restrictions resulted from name collisions with names defined in the parser's base class. While the restrictions cannot be completely resolved without giving up backward compatibility, they can be relieved greatly. Tokens cannot be ABORT, ACCEPT, ERROR, clearin, debug, error and setDebug. Furthermore, tokens should not end in two underscores (__). * Implemented various new options and directives: - the option --analyze-only, merely analyzing the provided grammar, not writing any source or header files. - the option --error-verbose as well as the directive %error-verbose dumping the state-stack when a syntactic error is reported. - the option --include-only, catenating all grammar files in their order of processing to the standard output stream (and terminating). - the option --max-inclusion-depth, defining the maximum number of nested grammar files (default: 10). - the option --required-tokens (also available as the directive %required-tokens). Error recovery is now configurable in the sense that a configurable number of tokens must have been successfully processed before new error messages can be generated (see documentation/manual/error/intro.yo) - the option --scanner-debug writing the contents and locations (in scanner/lexer) of matched regular expresions as well as the names/values of returned tokens to the standard error stream. - the option --skeleton-directory. This option overrides the default location of the director containing the skeleton files. In turn it is overridden by the options specifying specific skeleton files (e.g., --baseclass-skeleton). - the option --thread-safe. If specified, Bisonc++ will generate code that is thread-safe. I.e., no static data will be modified by the parse() function. As a consequence, all static data in the file containing the parse() function are defined as const. Manpage and manual adapted accordingly. * As a convenience, filenames in the grammar files may optionally be surrounded by double quotes ("...") or pointed brackets <...>. Delimiting pointed brackets are only kept with the %scanner and %baseclass-preinclude directives, in all other cases they are replaced by double quotes and a warning is displayed. * Token Handling in the generated parsing member function was improved: the share/ skeleton now defines pushToken__() and popToken__() as the standard interface to the tiny two-element token stack. The member nextToken() was redesigned. * Documentation was extended and updated. The Bisonc++ manual now contains an extensive description of the grammar-analysis process as implemented in Bisonc++ (see documentation/manual/algorith.yo). All new options and directives, as well as the token-name requirements are covered by the man-page and by the manual. * Various other repairs and cosmetic changes: - The --construction option as implemented in Bisonc++ 1.6.1 showed the FIRST set where the FOLLOW set was labeled. Repaired: now the FOLLOW set is actually displayed. - The --show-filenames option now shows `(not requested)' as default for d_verboseName instead of `-' if no --verbose was requested. - The --construction option no longer displays the `LA expanded' value from the state's descriptions since it's always 0 - The --class-name option was not actually mentioned in the set of recognized long options: repaired. - The %type directive now allows you to specify semantic type associations of terminal tokens as well. - The %token, %left, %right and %nonassoc directives now all use the same syntax (as they always should have). These directives all define terminal tokens - Added `rebuild' command to the `build' script to recreate the parser bisonc++ (1.6.1) * Changed the error recovery procedure preventing stack underflows with unrecoverable input errors. * Added protected parser base class member checkEOF(), terminating the parse() member's activities (man-page adapted accordingly). * Changed small support member functions in the share/ skeleton file into inline members, some were moved to share/bisonc++base.h * The skeleton files now use `\@' as baseclass-flag rather than `@'. The baseclass-flag is now defined as a static data member in Generator. This change prevents the `@' in e-mail addresses from being changed into the parser's class name. * Removed the class Support since it is now covered by Bobcat's (1.15.0) default implementation of FBB::TableSupport bisonc++ (1.6.0) * NOTE: THE PROTOTYPE OF THE PARSER'S lookup() FUNCTION CHANGED. IT IS NOW: int lookup(bool recovery); OLD parser.h HEADER FILES CAN BE REUSED AFTER ADDING THE PARAMETER bool recovery * Segfaults were caused by some grammars due to an erroneous index in (formerly state/ state/, where idx, representing an index in d_itemVector was used to index an element in d_nextVector (for which the index variable `nextIdx' should have been used. Repaired. * For some unknown reason, priority and association rules were not implemented in earlier versions of bisonc++. Consequently priority and association values of rules were left at their default values. This was repaired by defining the function Rules::updatePrecedences(), which defines priorities of productions as either their values assigned by a %prec specification or as the priority of their first terminal token. * The accepting State no longer has default reductions. It doesn't need them since EOF__ in those states terminates the parser. Accepting States now have search sentinels, allowing the parser to do proper error recovery. * The implementation of the shift/reduce algorithm and error handling in share/ was modified, now using bitflags indicating state-requirements (e.g., requiring a token, having a default reduction, having an `error' continuation, etc.). Also, the functions nextToken() and lookup() were reimplemented. * The share/ parser function skeleton's initial comment was improved. * The function state/ contained the superfluous intialization d_itemVector(0). The line has been removed. * The class `Rules' lacked facilities to detect properly whether a grammar file without rules was specified. Solved by defining a Rules constructor and an additional member indicating whether there weree any rules at all. * In grammar files, rules must now be terminated by a semicolon. Previous versions did not explicitly check this. Also, improperly formed character-tokens are now recognized as errors. * In correspondence with bison, the default verbose grammar output file is now called .output rather than .output * The description of the State information shown when --construction is specified was clarified. * The debug output generated by was improved. * The setDebug() member is now a public member. Manual page and documentation changed accordingly. * The description of the setItems() algorithm in state/setItems was improved. * The `build' script was given an additional command (installprog) to install just the program and the skeletons. * Added several missing headers fixing gcc/g++ 4.3 problems -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 09 Apr 2007 14:54:46 +0200 bisonc++ (1.5.3) * Using Bobcat's FnWrap* classes instead of Bobcat's Wrap* classes * The file has received a (by default commented out) #define PROFILE. By activating this define, bisonc++ is compiled with support for the gprof profiler. This define should not be activated for production versions of bisonc++ * Not released. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 17 Feb 2007 20:44:19 +0100 bisonc++ (1.5.2) * It turns out that the modification in 1.5.1. is not necessary. The compilation problems mentioned there were the result of a presumed small g++ compiler bug. A workaround is implemented in Bobcat 1.12.1, preventing the bug from occurring. In fact, this release has the same contents as release 1.5.0. Release 1.5.1. can be considered obsolete. It is available from the svn repository only. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 30 Nov 2006 17:05:09 +0100 bisonc++ (1.5.1) * Building the usage support program failed because of implied dependencies on the bobcat library, resulting from superfluously including bobcat.h in the documentation/usage/ program source. This is solved by setting bisonc++.h's include guard identifier just before inserting ../../ in the documentation/usage/ program source. bisonc++ (1.5.0) * The algorithms for lookahead propagation and detection of grammars not deriving sentences have been redesigned and rewritten. The previously used algorithm propagating lookaheads suffered from spurious reduce/reduce conflicts for some grammars (e.g., see the one in documentation/regression/icmake1). Also, 1.4.0 choked on a (fairly) complex grammar like the one used by icmake V 7.00. These problems are now solved, and comparable problems should no longer occur. The layout and organization of the output has been changed as well. Now there are basically three forms of verbose output: No verbose output, in which the file *.output is not written, standard verbose output, in which an overview of the essential parts of the grammar is written to the file *.output, and --construction, in which case all lookaheadsets, as well as the first and follow sets are written to *.output. Multiple new classes were added, and some previously existing classes were removed. See the file README.class-setup and the file CLASSES for details. The man-page and manual were adapted on minor points. bisonc++ (1.4.0) * It turned out that in the previous versions, S/R conflicts were also produced for empty default reductions. Now detectSR() checks whether there is one empty reduction. If so, no S/R conflicts are possible in that state. Instead a SHIFT (which is already the default solution of a S/R conflict) is performed in these situations. So, now for all tokens for which a known continuation state exist the known continuation state is selected; for all other tokens the default reduction (reducing to its associated state) is selected. See state/ for details. Since the above change also represents a change of algorithm, the subversion was incremented. I added a sub-subversion to have a separate level of version-numbers for minor modifications. The documentation/regression/run script did not properly return to its initial working directory, and it called a test that no longer existed. Both errors have been repaired. Some leftover references to the Academic Free License were replaced by references to the GPL. The previously used scripts below make/ are obsolete and were removed from this and future distributions. Icmake should be used instead, for which a top-level script (build) and support scripts in the ./icmake/ directory are available. Icmake is available on a great many architectures. See the file INSTALL (and, replacing the previously used for further details. All plain `unsigned' variables were changed to `size_t' bisonc++ (1.03-1) unstable; urgency=low * License changed to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See the file `copyright'. According to the manual page, the debug-output generated by parsers created using the --debug option should be user-controllable through the `setDebug()' member. These feature is now actually implemented. The usage info now correctly shows the -V flag as a synonym for the --verbose option. From now on this file will contain the `upstream' changes. The Debian related changes are in changelog.Debian.gz -- Frank B. Brokken Wed, 19 Jul 2006 13:12:39 +0200 bisonc++ (1.02) unstable; urgency=low * Following suggestions made by George Danchev, this version was compiled by the unstable's g++ compiler (version >= 4.1), which unveiled several flaws in the library's class header files. These flaws were removed (i.e., repaired). In order to facilitate compiler selection, the compiler to use is defined in the file. The debian control-files (i.e., all files under the debian subdirectory) were removed from the source distribution, which is now also named in accordance with the Debian policy. A diff.gz file was added. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 6 Jul 2006 12:41:43 +0200 bisonc++ (1.01) unstable; urgency=low * Synchronized the version back to numbers-only, adapted the debian standards and the required bobcat library in the debian/control file. No implementation changes as compared to the previous version, but I felt the need to join various sub-sub-versions back to just one standard version. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:11:15 +0200 bisonc++ (1.00a) unstable; urgency=low * Debian's Linda and lintian errors, warnings and notes processed. No messages are generated by linda and lintian in this version. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 28 May 2006 14:26:03 +0200 bisonc++ (1.00) unstable; urgency=low * Bisonc++ Version 1.00 has changed markedly as compared to its predecessor, bisonc++ 0.98.510. The main reason for upgrading to 1.00 following a year of testing the 0.98 series is that the grammar analysis and lookahead propagation algorithms as used in bisonc++ 0.98.510 were either too cumbersome and contained some unfortunate errors. The errors were discovered during my 2005-2006 C++ class, where some students produced grammars which were simple, but were incorrectly analyzed by bisonc++ 0.98. It turned out that the lookahead (LA) propagation contained several flaws. Furthermore, a plain and simple bug assigned the last-used priority to terminal tokens appearing literally in the grammar (i.e., without explicitly defining them in a %token or comparable directive). A simple, but potentially very confusing bug. At the cosmetic level, the information produced with the --construction option was modified, aiming at better legibility of the construction process. The `examples' directory was reduced in size, moving most examples to a new directory `regression', which now contains a script `run' that can be used to try each of the examples below the `regression' directory. Some of the examples call `bison', so in order to run those examples `bison' must be installed as well. It usually is. A minor backward IN-compatibility results from a change in prototype of some private parser member functions. This should only affect exising Parser.h header files. Simply replacing the `support functions for parse()' section shown at the end of the header file by the following lines should make your header file up-to-date again. Note that bisonc++ does not by itself rewrite Parser.h to prevent undoing any modifications you may have implemented in the parser-class header file: // support functions for parse(): void executeAction(int ruleNr); void errorRecovery(); int lookup(); void nextToken(); Please note that this version depends on bobcat 1.7.1 or beyond. If you compile bobcat yourself, then you may want to know that bobcat's Milter and Xpointer classes are not used by bisonc++, so they could optionally be left out of bobcat's compilation. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 7 May 2006 15:10:05 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.510) unstable; urgency=low * When no %union has been declared, no $$ warnings are issued anymore about non-exisiting types; When no %union has been declared a $i or $$ warning is issued about non-exisiting types. The State table (in the generated file) containing `PARSE_ACCEPT' was created with a `REDUCE' indication for grammars whose start symbol's production rules were non-repetitive. This was repaired in state/ by setting the (positive) non-reduce indication for states using shifts and/or the accept state. The logic in writeStateArray() was modifed: a separate ShiftReduce::Status variable is now used to store the possible actions: SHIFT, REDUCE or ACCEPT. The tables show `SHIFTS' if a state uses shifts; `ACCEPTS' if a state contains PARSE_ACCEPT; and `REDUCE' otherwise. -- Frank B. Brokken Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:47:49 +0100 bisonc++ (0.98.500) unstable; urgency=low * Handling of $i and $$ repaired, added the %negative-dollar-indices directive. $ specifications were not properly parsed. Instead of $i or $$ constructions like $i and $$ were parsed, which is contrary to the manual's specification. The function parsing the $-values is defined in parser/ The handling of negative $-indices is improved. Negative $-indices are used when synthesizing attributes. In that context, $0 is useful, since it refers to the nonterminal matched before the current rule is starting to be used, allowing rules like `vardef: typename varlist ' where `varlist' inherits the type specification defined at `typename'. In most situations indices are positive. Therefore bisonc++ will warn when zero or non-positive $-indices are seen. The %negative-dollar-indices directive may be used to suppress these warnings. $-indices exceeding the number of elements continue to cause an error. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 5 Mar 2006 13:59:08 +0100 bisonc++ (0.98.402) unstable; urgency=low * links against bobcat 1.6.0, using bobcat's new Arg:: interface -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 26 Dec 2005 19:25:42 +0100 bisonc++ (0.98.400) unstable; urgency=low * state/ adds {} around individual union values to allow warningless compilation of the generated file by g++-4.0. bisonc++ is now itself too compiled by g++-4.0. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 18 Nov 2005 22:46:06 +0100 bisonc++ (0.98.007) unstable; urgency=low * Added a README.flex file giving some background information about the provided implementation of the lexical scanner (bisonc++/scanner/ Modified the compilation scripts: bisconc++/flex/FlexLexer.h is now included by default. This FlexLexer.h file is expected by bisonc++/scanner/ and by the Scanner class. Simplified some compilation scripts. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 9 Sep 2005 11:42:24 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.006) unstable; urgency=low * Removed the dependency on `icmake'. No change of functionality See the instructions in the `INSTALL' file when you want to compile and install `bisonc++' yourself, rather than using the binary (.deb) distribution. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 3 Sep 2005 17:42:29 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.005) unstable; urgency=low * Removed the classes Arg, Errno, Msg and Wrap1, using the Bobcat library's versions of these classes from now on. No feature-changes. Added minor modifications to the `build' script. Annoying Error: The function `ItemSets::deriveAction()' did not recognize the `ACCEPT' action, so some (most ?) grammars could not be properly recognized. I applied a quick hack: if an action isn't `shift' or `reduce', it can be `accept', resulting in acceptance of the grammar. This solves the actual problem, but I'll have to insepct this in a bit more detail. For now, it should work ok. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 22 Aug 2005 13:05:28 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.004) unstable; urgency=low * When new lookahead set elements are added to existing states, d_recheckState in itemsets/ (ItemSets::checkLookaheads()) was reassigned to the state index whose lookaheadset was enlarged. However, if that happened for existing state `i' and then, during the same state-inspection, for state `j' where j > i, then the recheck would start at `j' rather than `i'. This problem was solved by giving d_recheckState only a lower value than its current value. With R/R conflicts involving `ACCEPT' reductions (with, e.g., `S_$: S .'), ACCEPT is selected as the chosen alternative. See State::setReduce() (state/ Since this matches with the `first reduction rule' principle, it should be ok. %stype specifications may consist of multiple elements: the remainder of the line beyond %stype is interpreted as the type definition. The specification should (therefore) not contain comment or other characters that are not part of the actual type definition. The man-page is adapted accordingly. Same holds true for the %ltype directive Added a check whether the grammar derives a sentence (itemsets/ If not, a fatal error is issued. This happens at the end of the program's actions, and at this point files etc. have already been generated. They are kept rather than removed for further reference. Grammars not deriving sentences should probably not be used. The original Bison documentation has been converted to a Bisonc++ user guide. Furthermore, a html-converted manual page is now available under /usr/share/doc/bisonc++/man The `calculator' example used in the man-page is now under /usr/share/doc/bisonc++/man/calculator Bisonc++ is distributed under the Academic Free License, see the file COPYING in /usr/share/doc/bisonc++ -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 7 Aug 2005 13:49:07 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.003) unstable; urgency=low * Incomplete default State constructor now explicitly defined, prevents the incidental erroneous rapporting of conflicts for some states. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 26 May 2005 07:21:20 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.002) unstable; urgency=low * The Wrap1 configurable unary predicate template class replaces various other templates (WrapStatic, Wrap, Pred1Wrap). No further usage or implementation changes/modifications. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 22 May 2005 15:27:19 +0200 bisonc++ (0.98.001) unstable; urgency=low * This is a complete rewrite of the former bisonc++ (0.91) version. The program bisonc++ is now a C++ program, producing C++ sources, using the algorithm for creating LALR-1 grammars as outlined by Aho, Sethi and Ullman's (1986) `Dragon' book. The release number will remain 0.98 for a while, and 0.98.001 holds the initial package, new style. Also see the man-page, since some things have been changed (augmented) since the previous version. No dramatic changes in the grammar specification method: Bisonc++ still uses bison's way to specify grammars, but some features, already obsolete in bisonc++ 0.91 were removed. Also note my e-mail address: the U. of Groningen's official policy now is to remove department specific information, so it's `' rather than `', as used before. -- Frank B. Brokken Mon, 16 May 2005 13:39:38 +0200 bisonc++ (0.91) unstable; urgency=low * Added several missing short options (like -B etc) to the getopt() function call. I forgot to add them to the previous version(s). Internally, all old C style allocations were changed to C++ style allocations, using operators new and delete. Where it was immediately obvious that a vector could be used, I now use vectors. The internally used types `core' `shifts' and 'reductions' (types.h) now use a vector data member rather than an int [1] member, which is then allocated to its proper (I may hope) size when the structs are allocated. -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 19 Feb 2005 10:21:58 +0100 bisonc++ (0.90) unstable; urgency=low * Command-line options now override matching declarations specified in the grammar specification file. All %define declarations have been removed. Instead their first arguments are now used to specify declarations. E.g., %parser-skeleton instead of %define parser-skeleton. All declarations use lower-case letters, and use only separating hyphens, no underscores. E.g., %lsp-needed rather than %define LSP_NEEDED The declaration %class-name replaces the former %name declaration All yy and YY name prefixes of symbols defined by bisonc++ have been removed. The parser-state `yydefault' has been renamed to `defaultstate'. -- Frank B. Brokken Sun, 6 Feb 2005 12:50:40 +0100 bisonc++ (0.82) unstable; urgency=low * Added d_nError as protected data member to the base class. Missed it during the initial conversion. d_nErrors counts the number of parsing errors. Replaces yynerrs from bison(++) -- Frank B. Brokken Sat, 29 Jan 2005 18:58:24 +0100 bisonc++ (0.81) unstable; urgency=low * Added the option --show-files to display the names of the files that are used or generated by bisonc++. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 28 Jan 2005 14:50:48 +0100 bisonc++ (0.80) unstable; urgency=low * Completed the initial debian release. No changes in the software. -- Frank B. Brokken Fri, 28 Jan 2005 14:30:05 +0100 bisonc++ (0.70-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Frank B. Brokken Thu, 27 Jan 2005 22:34:50 +0100